Monday 17 November 2014

Percy & Reed Shine and Fragrance Spray for Hair by 'London Beauty Queen'

Author writes: "Hair fragrance seems to be the latest beauty trend that's being picked up by everyone from Chanel to Paul & Joe. Fragrance layering has long been a more sophisticated way to wear your perfume, enabling the wearer to create unique combinations and ensure the scent lasts for as long as possible, so fragrance for the hair is simply an extension of that mantra. Although many hair perfumes look and feel like a traditional scent in a bottle, Percy & Reed's Eau My Goodness Shine and Fragrance Spray adds a touch of practically and realism with their aerosol bottle" ...for more [CLICK 'London beauty Queen' blog]


  1. pisałaś że obserwujesz, chyba coś poszło nie tak bo u mnie wyświetla się że nie obserwujesz :(

  2. This sounds a great product! Lovely packaging! =D
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